9 Horror Movies That Couldn't Live Up To Their Awesome Opening

7. Halloween: Resurrection

The Collection
Dimension Films

Now, this is a controversial choice, but bear with me here. We're all in agreement that Halloween Resurrection is a steaming pile of turds, and should be wiped from the Michael Myers canon. But hear me out - the opening of Halloween Resurrection could have given way to a far better, far more interesting story if it had stuck to the premise these opening scenes laid out.

The Resurrection we got ultimately had promise in its opening moments, even if the narrative choices didn't quite match what the whole thing was going for. I mean, we will all die mad about Laurie Strode's treatment in this instalment, but her bad turn as the paramedic murdering machine of vengeance and her mental turmoil at her actions could have proven a far more interesting road for us to have been taken down. The initial premise had a lot about it that could have been worked into a nifty little horror movie.

Even the scenes of her showdown with the real Michael prove a well-structured addition to the Halloween legend which brew up a whole heap of excitement this film doesn't deserve. They just ruined it with literally everything else that came afterwards.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.