9 Iconic Comic Book Storylines That Sucked In Movies

6. Elektra's Death - Daredevil

Batman V Superman Death
Marvel Comics

Ben Affleck’s Daredevil movie is a real divider. Some fans dig it and claim the director’s cut turns it into a worthwhile adaptation of the character, whilst others – including Ben Affleck himself – think it’s a travesty.

Whichever side of the fence people fall on it’s hard to deny the movie has issues, and has already dated badly. Casting Jennifer Garner to play Greek assassin Elektra is one of the more baffling creative decisions since she’s not terribly convincing as an assassin or a person of Greek descent. Elektra is a fan favourite character from the comic, and her death is considered one of the most important twists in the story.

It was made all the more wrenching by the fact she wasn’t resurrected (well, not for many years anyway), so her death carried genuine sadness. In the movie, it's part of a lame fight scene between a hammy Colin Farrell and Garner, and her death fails to carry the weight it should. The movie also cops out by the end and implies her resurrection, so there’s no lingering impact to be had either.

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