9 Iconic Cult Film Distributors

1. Redemption

Redemption Really a pioneer in terms of video companies, Salvation Films (Redemption is the name of one of its labels) was founded in 1993 and they proved themselves to be innovative and avant garde, importing titles from crucial European cult directors like Jess Franco and Jean Rollin. This was back whenever access in the UK to films by the like of Franco and Rollin was scant. Redemption effectively launched Euro Cult cinema in Britain. The company site says that they have had more films banned by the censors than any other film label. Redemption VHS covers were red, black and white, and they made a real impact in the video stores, attracting the eye of many curious film fans. I collect these old Redemption VHS tapes and I have a huge oeuvre of Euro Sleaze/ Horror at my fingertips that I regularly enjoy. These films are all in their correct ratios and original languages. Redemption's best move was to hook up with now defunct channel Bravo - a satellite channel aimed at men - and broadcast various Redemption titles with an introduction hosted by the amazing Eileen Daly. I absolutely lived for these Friday nights when we would be treated to the likes of Cruel Passion, Virgin Witch, What Have You Done to Solange?, The Bloodstained Shadow and Vampyros Lesbos. This was the first time Euro Cult cinema had an airing on TV and I'm certain it converted loads of people to the dark side... Redemption's sister labels are just as interesting and provocative as Redemption itself. Jezebel is devoted to the world of sexploitation from its earliest innocent days (nudist films) up to such classics as Can You Keep it Up For a Week? and I am Curious: Yellow. Purgatory Films deals with the Adult film genre. It was founded in 1996 and played a major part in the government softening the laws on hardcore porn. Any label that does that is after my own heart. Salvation Films has a strong repertoire of films in all of its lines. But because they introduced me to so many sleaze epics, Redemption is the line that I favour.
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My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!