9 Iconic Movie Characters Who Appeared Outside Their Franchises

6. Cap. Willard - Hot Shots: Part Deux

Django A Million Ways To Die.jpg
20th Century Fox

It’s hard to remember a time when Charlie Sheen was a bonafide movie star and not a living internet meme, but around twenty years ago he had a run of movies that showed his range: Platoon, Wall Street, Cadence, and even Hot Shots. He impressively beefed up to Rambo proportions for Part Deux, and managed to rope in his dad for an amazing cameo.

While Charlie's character is on a boat headed upriver for a mission, he overhears the internal monologue of Martin Sheen’s Captain Willard from Apocalypse Now reading his mission briefing. When the boat passes by they both stand up in recognition and yell to each other “I loved you in Wall Street”, before giving each other a thumbs up.

It’s immensely in-jokey and silly, and it's all the more hilarious because of it. The Sheens later re-teamed for an episode of Two And A Half Men; it wasn’t quite as funny.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.