9 Iconic Movie Characters Who Appeared Outside Their Franchises

7. T-1000 - Wayne's World

Django A Million Ways To Die.jpg
Paramount Pictures

Robert Patrick made a couple of jokey appearances playing the T-1000 following the success of T2: Judgment Day, with his second appearance in Last Action Hero making sense thanks to the Arnie connection.

His most famous reappearance came in Wayne’s World, in a scene where Wayne is pulled over by a cop for speeding. He waits impatiently for the cop to come up to his window, who then leans down with a picture and asks menacingly if he’d seen “this boy.” Wayne screams before pulling away - hard to blame him really.

It says a lot about the lasting power of both T2 and Wayne’s World that a gag that could have become badly dated by now still holds up, and his little cameo is more thrilling than the whole of Terminator: Genisys.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.