9 Iconic Movie Characters Who Appeared Outside Their Franchises
1. John McClane - Loaded Weapon 1
While Bruce Willis seems to approach a new Die Hard movie with all the enthusiasm of a man about to receive root canal, there was a time he still put the effort into it. He was even willing to have a laugh at his own expense, which can be seen with his brief appearance in the long forgotten action spoof Loaded Weapon 1.
In this scene a helicopter flies to beach trailer home of hero Emilio Estevez (yes, this was made during the early nineties) and peppers it with bullets, causing it to explode. Instead of Estevez crawling out of the wreckage it’s John McClane himself, complete with grubby vest and white flag.
The gunman sheepishly asks if he has the right address, with John helpfully pointing them in the right direction; he then gets an apology for the mistake. It’s a dumb scene for sure, but it was a huge surprise to see Willis show up, and he shows more energy and wit in his thirty seconds of screentime than in his last ten movies combined.