9 Incredible Movie Scenes Let Down By Awful Acting

6. Saw - The Foot Scene

Joker Randall Death Scene
Twisted Pictures

The first Saw will stand on its own as a debut in visceral violence for horror films. As Patient Zero to a number of "gore-porn" films that followed, the tamer moments tended to be the more disturbing.

In the first film, Lawrence Gordon and Adam are chained up to opposite ends of a grimy bathroom and the realization that they might have to saw through their own legs to escape graduates. Lawrence saws through his own foot in the films coup de grace. It's a long, loud and bloody scene that zooms in on the right moments.

It would have been great had we not had Leigh Whannell (as Adam) making an amputation of his own and sawing off any dignity he might have for the scene.

Whether it was scripted or Leigh was improvising, his reaction in the scene is a mess even when the good doctor is pointing a gun at him. Sometimes subtlety works for the role, just as much as emoting to the scene and in this particular scene James Wan needed to take Leigh to one side, give him a cup of tea and gently ask him to tone it down a little.

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Joker (2019)
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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!