9 Insane Characters You Won't Believe Almost Ended Up In Famous Movies

3. Jurassic Park IV Was Almost A Movie About Horrifying Dinosaur/Human Hybrid Monsters Working As Mercenaries

Are we cheating by including an entry on Jurassic Park IV, a movie that isn't even out yet and has since been titled "Jurassic World"? Perhaps a bit, but the sheer insanity of these proposed characters is so darn insane, that we just had to make sure they got a mention somewhere on the list. Just look at the image above. Who in their right mind thought that Jurassic Park fans would want to watch a movie about dinosaurs that have become sort of semi-human? The whole point of Jurassic Park is that the dinosaurs are enough. We don't want freakin' hybrids! Okay, so what we do know now - almost for certain - is that the whole human/dinosaur hybrid idea been abandoned for the upcoming movie (which is set to star Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas-Howard), given the mostly negative reception that these designs received back in 2012. Sure, we can appreciate that the studio wanted to do something different for the fourth installment, but also: did anybody really, genuinely believe that these creatures would have been awesome? And we haven't even got started on the velociraptors wielding pulse rifles.

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