9 Insane Movie Scenes That Are Totally Out Of Place

3. Matthew Patel - Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtQFz0oPvEU Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is a movie about Michael Cera fighting Mary Elizabeth Winstead's evil ex-boyfriends so he can claim her for his own. Completely understandable: it's Mary Elizabeth Winstead, we'd all do the same. The first ex that he takes on in the movie, though, is also the weirdest one - an Indian American guy called Matthew Patel. I don't know about anybody else, but this scene just struck me as really, really odd. Like, not right at all. Check it out above. See what I mean? What is it? To be fair, I haven't read the original comic book and I'm going to guess that this happens in there somewhere, but still... why is this the first enemy we're meeting? The song sounds like it's being made up on the spot - toneless and without melody - and even the characters are like, "what? No, c'mon, this isn't a real thing, is it?" Unfortunately, Anna Kendrick, yes, it is. Worst of all, it's just a bit cringeworthy and awkward to watch. But maybe I'm alone when it comes to this one. Maybe everybody else loves this scene and thinks it's golden and the movie couldn't (and shouldn't) have existed without it. That's your right. I'm with Kendrick, though. I'm always with Kendrick: "What?"
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All-round pop culture obsessive.