9 Insane Movie Theories That Actually Make Sense

7. The Big Lebowski Is Based Around The Cards In A Tarot Deck

The Big Lebowski, arguably the most beloved of all the Coen Brothers movies, takes its inspirations from Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep - only this time the protagonist likes cannabis and has a fondness for a particularly nice rug. Each to their own.

The film itself - like most Coen Brothers' flicks - has been studied and poured over to an insane degree, of course. There are countless theories regarding what The Big Lebowski really means, though the most convincing - and therefore the most interesting - of the lot purports that the film is based around that of a Tarot deck. As in, the cards.

Said theory states that the Dude himself plays "The Fool," a bumbling and yet capable character who is depicted as falling off a cliff in one notable brand of Tarot cards (the Dude falls over a lot in the movie, you see). Then there's Walter, who - on account of his brash attitude and love of guns - has a lot in common with "Justice." His buddy, Donny? He's "Star," a point later emphasised by the star depicted on his urn.

That's not all: most of the characters in the movie have a card designation, the most notable of which is Jesus being "The Moon" (he's a "lunar-tic" - get it?).

It sounds crazy, but a large number of people have chosen to abide by this theory.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.