9 Legendary Deleted Film Scenes (You'll Never Get To See)

3. The Pie Fight Ending - Dr. Strangelove

Dr Strangelove
Columbia Pictures

Stanley Kubrick strikes again! His classic Cold War comedy already has a bleakly funny ending, with the world about to end through nuclear holocaust, and Dr. Strangelove (Peter Sellers) outlining his plan for the human race to survive underground. The credits then roll over footage of atom bombs being dropped as Vera Lynn sings "We€™'ll Meet Again."

But the ending originally went longer, and involved a massive pie fight breaking out in the War Room. Dr. Strangelove eventually fires a gun into the air to break it up, and it€™'s discovered the U.S. President (Sellers again) has lost his mind over the situation, and is now building sandcastles out of pie. Control is handed over to Strangelove, and the film ends as the men cheer him on. This scene would have underlined the absurdity of war that Kubrick was going for.

But the film was edited around the time of JFK€™s assassination and one line in particular (€œThe President has been struck down in his prime!)€ was seen as too close to the bone. That and Kubrick thought the scene was a little too silly, and it was clear the actors were enjoying themselves too much. The ending was cut out, and according to the editor it was mislabelled and lost.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.