9 Legendary Deleted Film Scenes (You'll Never Get To See)

2. The Spider Pit - King Kong

Spider pit KING KONG

Probably the Holy Grail of lost scenes, The Spider Pit sequence from the original King Kong is infamous among fans. It takes place just after the scene where Kong shakes the sailors off the log. In the original version they fell into a pit filled with horrifying creatures, including a massive spider and some kind of squid thing.

They quickly set on the terrified men and eat them. When the film was previewed for audiences they were apparently so horrified by this it took them out of the movie, so the director cut the scene. He claimed this was done because the scene stopped the story cold. Other creature scenes where cut for pacing too. But in the years since the Spider Pit scene has become legendary, both for it's shocking reputation and it's complete lack of availability. It seems likely the footage was destroyed - in 1933 there was no thought of holding onto deleted scenes.

Attempts have been made to track down a print with the missing footage intact, but odds are if it hasn'€™t been found by now then it never will be. King Kong uber fan Peter Jackson made a little short film as a loving tribute to this lost scene for the DVD release of his bloated remake. It attempted to recreate the scene as closely as possible, right down to using the original creature models and animating them in stop motion. It€™'s a charming effort, but fans are still holding onto the dim hope that someday the real thing will re-emerge.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.