9 More Movie Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same Way After This

6. Josh Brolin's Dog Chase Very Nearly Went Badly Wrong - No Country For Old Men

No Country For Old Men

If you ever find yourself wondering why they say you should never work with kids or animals, folks, then just ask Josh Brolin.

During the Coen brothers' outstanding neo-Western No Country for Old Men, Brolin's Llewelyn Moss finds himself being hunted down by a pitbull as he wriggles and splashes his way down a river. Moss eventually avoids being torn to pieces by shockingly gunning down the incoming canine, but the actor would later reveal that he came dangerously close to being dog food whilst shooting this sequence on the day, making an already intense scene feel even more dangerous in hindsight.

As Brolin would note to GQ when talking about his many iconic roles (at 15:20 in the clip above), that trained pitbull went by the name of Scooby, and Brolin was given a chew toy to put in his pants that Scooby would see and chase after.

However, as he tried to "get under" in the freezing water and the dog that was desperate to clamp its jaws down on a chew toy located near his crotch got closer, Brolin recalled struggling to get the "floaty" out of his pants before the rather "scary" Scooby turned his crotch into a snack.

Josh did manage to launch it away from him just in time, thankfully, before spotting that his directors were simply chuckling at their panicking star and "not concerned about their lead actor in the least." Put simply, it appears very little acting was required during this intense canine river chase.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...