9 Most Anticipated Comic Con 2017 Announcements

3. Game Of Thrones Gets Lampooned

Green Lantern Corps San Diego Comic Con

Game of Thrones will have a larger-than-life presence at Comic-Con 2017, but not entirely as we know it.

Instead of being filled with blood, dragons and boobs, GoT will revel in comedy and dance numbers as Game of Thrones: The Musical Parody performs during the event.

The Lannister-lampooning show, which is completely unauthorised by HBO, includes hilarious numbers such as All Men Must Die, Dothraki Love Song and Heads Will Roll.

As always, GoT will also have an official presence at Comic-Con, but its panel kicks off four days after the show's long-awaited seventh season premieres.

Nevertheless, expect plenty of spoilerific footage highlighting what is to come in the new season, which promises to see Khaleesi finally arrive in Westeros and usher the series towards its ultimate endgame.

Meanwhile, HBO also promises to spill some juicy morsels about the second season of its critically acclaimed Westworld.


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