9 Most Insane Things Happening In Movies & TV Right Now (Nov 16)

6. Detective Pikachu Actually Looks Great

Detective Pikachu Mr Mime
Warner Bros.

When it was announced that Warner Bros were set to make a Detective Pikachu movie, it's fair to say that more than a few eyebrows were raised quizzically. A Pokemon movie had always made sense, especially with artists and the Pokemon Go advert makers proving that live-action project really could look good, but the decision to focus on THIS part of Pokemon lore was a little odd at best. And on top of that, it's a video game movie, so it already has all of THAT to contend with too.

It all started to get even weirder when they cast Ryan Reynolds as the eponymous electro-mouse, since his voice was nothing like either the normal Pikachu or the English-speaking Detective version from the video game. Sure, he's great, but this looked a strange fit.

We needn't have worried though, because despite this being a video game movie, despite it being the wrong Pokemon movie, despite the casting being odd and despite everyone losing their minds over fluffy Jigglypuffs and the nightmarish Mr Mime, Detective Pikachu genuinely looks brilliant. Now you're going to have to go to the cinema next year and literally say "two tickets for Detective Pikachu, please."


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