9 Most Insane Things Happening In Movies & TV Right Now (Nov 16)

5. Pathe Got Scammed

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It is not nice to laugh at the misfortune of people who reply to fake Apple phishing scam emails with their personal details or who genuinely believe the Nigerian Prince in their DMs, but you really don't expect it from entire companies.

But expectations be damned because it's literally just happened to France's independent film-making group Pathe, who lost around $22m thanks to an Internet scam that cost the Dutch arm's CEO and financial director their jobs. Apparently, the CEO - Dertje Meijer - got a fake email from Pathe boss Marc Lacan asking her to send €19.2 million to a bank account in Dubai to buy a company and tell nobody about it and to only communicate with Lacan's personal account.

She, unfortunately, did as she was asked apart from asking the financial director whether he thought it was strange. He agreed it was curious but they still decided to send the money. A day later, the deception was uncovered, but that can be no medicine to the company, who had such a big bite taken out of their collective backsides.

Make sure you know who you're emailing, kids. Though, to be honest, this sounds like one of those Grandma Fooled Into Giving Away Life Savings stories that would never actually convince any net-savvy people anyway, which makes it so much worse.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.