9 Most Insane Things Happening In Movies & TV Right Now (Nov 16)

3. Ghostbusters 3 Is Happening?!

Ghostbusters 3
Sony Pictures

In the great library of will-they-won't-they movie sagas, Ghostbusters 3 was one of the very best, but it looked to have been killed entirely when Paul Feig made his sort of remake with the all-female team and everyone tried to weigh up whether they were sexist for hating it or whether it was just really, really bad. There's been talk of a new animated show coming, but ever since that film, talk of sequels and spin-offs seems to have died.

That's clearly not the case for Dan Aykroyd, though, who also hated the remake quite openly and absolutely won't be allowing a follow-up to happen. Weirdly - and somewhat out of the blue - though, he has appeared on The Big Interview with Dan Rather and revealed that a screenplay is being worked on AND that Bill Murray might even be in.

“There is a possibility of a reunion with the three remaining Ghostbusters,” said Aykroyd. “It’s being written right now... I think Billy will come. The story’s so good. Even if he plays a ghost.”

Let's be honest, the original stars owe us all something after their awful cameos in Feig's version. Could that ghost comment mean we're getting the same Ghostbusters 3 that everyone but Murray agreed to a few years back that included him as a ghost? Are they simply rewriting it to remove Harold Ramis?

Let's hope they can get it off the ground, because anything that wipes Feig's film out of memory will absolutely be a good thing.


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