9 Most Insane Things Happening In Movies & TV Right Now (Nov 16)

2. Ennio Morricone Vs Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino Ennio Morricone

In further Hollywood beef this week, it turned out that Ennio Morricone apparently called Quentin Tarantino a "cretin" whose films were "trash" in an interview with German Playboy. Because we all read it for the articles.

Morricone strictly denied the comments, but not before they were widely spread across the Internet, because we all love a slanging match. Playboy Germany, meanwhile released a statement saying Morricone's denial was fake news and that the quotes and interview were legitimate to twist the knife a little more.

Tarantino chose to say nothing, thankfully, because now it turns out that the writer of the interview - one Marcel Anders - has just admitted that he is in fact a massive liar and prompted another statement from Playboy Germany saying they'd be duped by someone they trusted and are exploring legal measures.

How exactly did the interview writer expect to get away with it? All anyone had to do was ask Morricone or look at literally any evidence of their existing relationship and it'd be fairly clear.


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