9 Movie Franchises That Said F**k You To The Fans

4. The Hobbit

Smaug Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know. The Hobbit and the issues with it€™s long development have been done to death, but the decisions made through production have offended so many people we can€™t keep it off the list. Only Tolkien die hards were irritated with Peter Jackson after The Lord Of The Rings. Although for the most part faithful, minor plot points were cut or changed and characters motivations were altered or expanded upon to make the whole series more cinematic. In any case, the films were made by adapting and condensing the massive tome to fit the run time. The Hobbit is the reverse, with Jackson and co. working as hard as possible to squeeze as much from the minor details of the source novel and Lord Of The Rings appendices. After waiting nine years for some more Middle Earth cinema, both long held term of the series and those new to it with the movie trilogy have the right to be irked by this blatant cash grab. As with Prometheus it€™s less the reverence to the source material and more general disregard for the people who made the series so big in the first place.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.