9 Movie Franchises That Said F**k You To The Fans

3. Judge Dredd

Dredd2 After last year€™s Dredd, the 2000AD character has reattained some respect, but that doesn't destroy memories of the Sly Stallone helmed disaster that whimpered onto screens in 1995. Now before we get too into this bashing, it's worth noting the recent Dredd was far from reverential. Although the world it created was pretty accurate and the effects were damn cool, the story was pretty generic and could have felt as home in Indonesia as Mega City One (yeah, we went there). Of course, Judge Dredd was a lot worse, basically only keeping the identity of the character and the vaguely futuristic setting; it€™s all very much an adaptation by someone who had no idea. That slight disservice is nothing compared to one major travesty. In every issue of the comic Dredd has never removed his helmet, but less than ten minutes into the film is (and the mystery) was removed. For all the bad decisions made in the film, the drive to show off Stallone's fizzog was the most offensive. What€™s really odd about Danny Cannon€™s film is how one piece of the world was preserved. The Angel Gang, a family of cannibals that featured minorly in the comic appeared heavily in the film. Although there never is any luck for the fans; they were killed off almost as soon as they appeared.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.