9 Movie Franchises That Trade Quality For Enjoyment

2. The Dark Knight Trilogy

darkknightrises-600x300_jpg_650x10000_q85Warner Bros.Best film: The Dark Knight Most enjoyable: The Dark Knight Rises The Dark Knight blew everyone away on its release. The story, the score, the cinematography, the performances, they were all brilliant. Christopher Nolan brought a level of brutality and darkness that we hadn€™t seen in a comic book movie before and it rightly received universal critical acclaim. For all its qualities its not as satisfying a watch as the sequel. The third act drags a little after the Joker€™s last appearance and at the end you feel a little exhausted. The Dark Knight Rises actually does a better job of ramping up the tension towards the end of the film. The stakes seem higher and the final moments are more satisfying. It also packs more of an emotional punch than The Dark Knight thanks largely to a great performance from Michael Cain in a few short scenes. Adding a great Catwoman into the mix makes Rises an incredible amount of fun. Where it is let down is in the film€™s logic. Bruce Wayne€™s speedy recovery from a broken back, Miranda Tate€™s reveal as Talia al Ghul and Bruce Wayne€™s survival at the end of the film all feel a little contrived. But who cares. Suspend your disbelief and enjoy Batman before Zack Snyder gets his hands on him.

Nick Barnes hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.