9 Movie Moments Completely Different In Other Countries

8. Inside Out Swapped Broccoli For Bell Peppers In Japan

Buzz Lightyear

Pixar's Inside Out traded a scene where a young Riley refuses to eat her broccoli for one involving bell peppers in Japan. Why? Because it turns out that kids around the world are grossed out by different vegetables.

Being force-fed healthy food is a childhood experience anyone can relate to, but it just so happens that Japanese youngsters love their broccoli and wouldn't have related to Riley's revulsion in this scene.

Director Pete Docter and Pixar conducted extensive research into the stuff children in the territory hate, and concluded that bell peppers were essentially their broccoli.

This minor cultural difference forced the animation team to make 28 graphical alterations to a total of 45 shots.

In this post: 
Toy Story 2
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