9 Movie Sequels That Will Probably Be Announced Soon

4. Man Of Steel 2

Henry Cavill In Batman Vs Superman Movie
Warner Bros.

After Man of Steel was moderately successful at the box office back in 2013, it was originally assumed that Man of Steel 2 would be announced relatively quickly, but instead, Zack Snyder shocked the world by revealing Batman v Superman, which of course arrived last year to majorly divided opinion among fans and critics alike.

Though rumours have persisted about Man of Steel 2 being quietly worked on over at Warner Bros. with Matthew Vaughn being eyed to direct, there's still no official confirmation that it's actually going to happen.

Considering the current state of limbo in which Superman is left, it's fair to say that Warner will probably wait to see how the character's return in Justice League is received before publicly announcing another solo Superman movie.

As long as Justice League has no major creative issues and does solid business at the box office, Man of Steel 2 could be confirmed before the end of the year, and at the absolute latest by next year's Comic-Con.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.