9 Movie Spoilers Hidden In Posters

5. Loki Beats Odin - Thor: The Dark World

Quarantine m movie
Marvel Studios

Thor: The Dark World is not considered one of the MCU's best. It's got a naff villain, poor action and a plot I couldn't fully recall if I had a gun to my head, but that's not to say it wasn't entirely without good ideas and a few bright spots.

One such bright spot was Tom Hiddelston's Loki, whose unique brand of mischief made for some enjoyable twists amongst an otherwise forgettable mess of a story. This included him infamously faking his own death, secretly getting rid of Asgard ruler Odin and pretending to be him, thus taking over the throne for himself.

Ultimately this effectively went nowhere when Thor Ragnarok quickly and comedically wrapped the storyline up, but at the time it did produce a bunch of sinister implications.

In a bit of ingenious marketing though, Loki's usurpation was actually teased in his character poster for the sequel. Here he's pictured sitting on a destroyed throne, curiously surrounded by Odin's key belongings.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3