9 Movie Spoilers Hidden In Posters

3. The Final Shot Is Right There - Quarantine

Quarantine m movie
Sony Pictures Releasing

Quarantine - the admittedly decent remake of excellent Spanish found-footage horror REC - couldn't wait to slap one of its final shots on the end of every piece of marketing material it put out.

This is taken from the flick's final scene where, after the apartment building she's in becomes overrun with zombies, news reporter Angela finds herself trapped in a pitch-black room with a decaying, mutated monster who drags her off into the dark as the credits role.

It was a shocking finale, or it would have been if the now-iconic image of Jennifer Carpenter's newscaster being dragged off by god-knows-what while bathed in night vision wasn't used across posters, trailers and TV spots, and straight up revealed to everyone the final scene of the movie.

While this already left little to the imagination, for some home releases this was actually deemed too subtle and thus alongside the regular image of the distressed Connelly, the figure of a monstrous woman, arm extended and ready to strike, was ominously added in the background.

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