9 Movies From 2016 That Could Make A Billion Dollars

7. Alice Through The Looking Glass

Estimated Box Office Gross: $1.1 Billion For some reason, Alice In Wonderland - Disney's live-action remake of their own animated 1954 classic of the same name - grossed over a billion dollars at the box office. It wasn't a good movie; it wasn't even an average one. For director Tim Burton, this flat, boring CGI-heavy bore - one that that also managed to contain one of Johnny Depp's most insufferable performances - marked a career low. And yet audiences ate it up anyway. It seems safe to suggest that Alice Through The Looking Glass, next year's incredibly unnecessary sequel movie, will do similar business at the box office - especially in the wake of Disney's recent successes with kindred films such as Maleficent ($758 million) and Cinderella ($539 million), which prove there's a huge built-in audience for this sort of thing. Johnny Depp will be back, of course, reprising the role of the Mad Hatter (sigh), whilst actress Mia Wasikowska will slum it once again in the titular part. As such, Though The Looking Glass - like Pirates Of The Caribbean before it - will come to define a new wave of disposable billion dollar sequels that everyone will go to see but feel no affinity for.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.