9 Movies That End Without Solving A Major Problem

7. The Ghosts Are Still Coming - Ghosts Of Mars

Wizard Of Oz Toto
Screen Gems

Ghosts Of Mars isn’t director John Carpenter’s finest hour, but there’s silly fun to be had with it. The story has the long-dead spirits of Mars’ old civilization possessing the new settlers of the planet, and if a possessed person is killed the spirit then leaves the body to find another host. Eye- rollingly, the movie ignores this logic numerous times for the sake of having some action, where dozens are mowed down without the spirits trying to possess the heroes.

The movie ends with them blowing up the infected settlement with a small nuclear blast, which they hope will kill the spirits too. Doesn’t work that way sadly, and the evil Martian wind later sweeps over the planets big city. The last surviving heroes seem remarkably calm about all this, and team up to face the horde once more.

Their calm is frankly startling, considering the fact they know the spirits can’t be stopped, that thousands will likely die and they’re probably doomed too.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.