9 Movies That Were Scrapped After Being Filmed (And Why)

3. The Fantastic Four (Oley Sassone)

The Film: This low-budget superhero flick follows Marvel€™s original team of heroes as they face off against the dastardly Doctor Doom. It begins with the Fantastic Four€™s origin story; Reed Richards and his college friend Victor von Doom see the upcoming passing of a comet as the perfect opportunity to attempt an experiment they have been working on for years, but it goes wrong and leaves Victor horribly scarred. When Richards and his future teammates attempt the same experiment 10 years later, they are exposed to cosmic rays that give them special powers, powers they will need to defeat the evil Doctor. Why It Was Scrapped: The film was actually made to be scrapped, believe it or not. In the early 1990s a studio called Constantin Films was aware that they were about to lose the rights to make a Fantastic Four movie, and the only way they could keep them was to go ahead and make one. They enlisted the help of low-budget specialists Roger Corman and Bernd Eichinger, gave them $1 million and told them to do what they could. If you€™ve seen the film, then you€™re probably asking what they hell they spent $1 million on. The plan worked, however, and the rights were kept despite the film never being officially released. Eichinger actually went on to produce the 2005 Fantastic Four reboot and the 2007 sequel, Rise Of The Silver Surfer, with markedly higher budgets of $90 million and $130 million respectively. As for the original version, it has become something of a hot property on the bootleg circuit and is one of those films that is so bad it€™s almost good.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.