9 Movies With Way Too Much Gratuitous Nudity

3. Flesh Gordon

Flesh Gordon

Directors Michael Benveniste and Howard Ziehm grew up watching Universal Pictures' Flash Gordon serials and wanted to pay tribute to the swashbuckling tales that thrilled them in their youth by creating a homage to the science fiction epic. They did so in the most adult way imaginable. The homage/spoof of Flash Gordon, Flesh Gordon, recreated the lo-fi FX of the Flash Gordon serials in loving detail, but added a few extra helpings of nudity and sex.

Flesh Gordon's plot hews fairly close to Flash Gordon's and concerns the heroic Flesh's quest to save the Earth from the evil Emperor Wang's "Sex Ray", a device that has turned everyone on earth into nymphomaniacs. Many of the artists that helped create Flesh Gordon would move on to greater things, including Greg Jein, the man responsible for the miniatures in Flesh Gordon, who would go on to do special effects work for Star Trek: The Next Generation and Close Encounters of The Third Kind, and also make-up artist Rick Baker, who would eventually receive an Academy Award for his work on the classic horror flick An American Werewolf in London. Even actor Craig T. Nelson makes an un-credited voice appearance as The Great God Porno.

Although clearly-talented people worked hard on Flesh Gordon to make it a loving homage to a serial that had a huge impact on their youth, it doesn't change the fact that Flesh Gordon is nothing more than a glorified albeit hilarious skin-flick, which is probably why it had to be re-edited to receive an R-rating after the MPAA slapped its first cut with an X-rating.


I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.