9 Movies You've Never Fully Seen (But Hopefully Will)

9. Batman Forever

Val Kilmer Batman Forever
Warner Bros.

Batman Forever is certainly one of the Caped Crusader's more divisive cinematic outings to date, though Joel Schumacher's original cut of the film actually had a far darker and more cerebral tone, before Warner Bros. took the scissors to it and delivered a lighter, more family-friendly tentpole.

According to Schumacher, his Director's Cut of the film clocks in at 160 minutes, a whole 38 minutes longer than the theatrical version.

While around 15 minutes' worth of deleted scenes did end up on Batman Forever's home video release, to date the bulk of the cut content has never been seen by fans.

Much of the missing material apparently delves deeper into the duality of Bruce Wayne and Batman (Val Kilmer), a desperately malnourished aspect of the theatrical cut, while also fleshing out pre-existing scenes.

Rumours emerged in 2005 that Warner Bros. was planning to release the Director's Cut as part of the film's 10th anniversary, but alas, it never happened. Cross your fingers for the 30th anniversary in 2025, then.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.