9 Movies You've Never Fully Seen (But Hopefully Will)

7. The Wolf Of Wall Street

The Wolf Of Wall Street Leonardo DiCaprio

Though Martin Scorsese's terrific black comedy The Wolf of Wall Street already clocks in at a hefty, bladder-annihilating 180 minutes, it was well documented in the months before release that the director was struggling to whittle the film down from a much larger whole.

As it turns out, Scorsese's first cut of the movie was a stonking four hours long, though the director originally insisted that this was simply the assembly cut, a typically overlong edit featuring all the usable footage.

His longtime editor Thelma Schoonmaker, however, claims this four-hour cut was a complete movie and test audiences "loved" it, enough that Scorsese briefly considered splitting the film in half, Kill Bill-style.

Ultimately, Schoonmaker cleaved enough material away to hit a studio-mandated three-hour runtime. While this absolutely made sense for theatrical distribution, being able to watch the full four-hour version at home sure would be nice.

Given that Scorsese release his 210-minute gangster epic The Irishman on Netflix, perhaps they could also end up playing host to the 240-minute The Wolf of Wall Street?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.