9 Movies You've Never Fully Seen (But Hopefully Will)

6. Event Horizon

Event Horizon

Paul W.S. Anderson's sci-fi horror Event Horizon was a critical and commercial dud, yet has been discovered on home video by genre fans and embraced as a gnarly cult classic.

Much has been written about Anderson being pressured to cut some of the weirder aspects of his original 130-minute edit, which was chopped down to just 96 minutes for theatrical release.

Paramount reportedly balked at some of the graphic violence and thematically disturbing elements, compounded by this original cut test-screening poorly.

In fairness, Anderson himself contends that his original cut was indeed too long, though felt that Paramount ultimately sliced around 10 minutes of footage he desperately wanted to keep.

After a successful home video release, it seemed that Anderson would get his wish to restore the cut footage, yet the studio eventually discovered that all of the film's deleted scenes had been improperly stored in a Transylvanian salt mine (!), and were therefore unfit for inclusion in an official Director's Cut.

Some of these scenes were included on a new DVD release in visually compromised form, yet the only remaining copy of Anderson's original 130-minute cut is a VHS discovered by producer Lloyd Levin.

While there's zero chance of Event Horizon's original cut ever being officially released, fans are still hoping that either Levin or Anderson might eventually leak that VHS copy.

Given how frequently workprint copies of classic films randomly appear on torrent sites and the like, it's not totally out of the question.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.