9 Movies You've Never Fully Seen (But Hopefully Will)

3. Fantastic Four (2015)

Fantastic Four Planet Zero

Josh Trank's Fantastic Four is one of the most infamous blockbuster flops of the last decade, a project that suffered through not only a meddlesome studio tinkering with a bold filmmaker's vision, but if reports can be believed, also a director struggling to cope with the stress of a big-budget production.

Much was written about the film's tough post-production process before it was even released, and on the eve of Fantastic Four hitting cinemas, a despondent Trank stealth-tweeted that he made a far better cut of the movie that will likely never see the light of day.

Numerous cast members, including Toby Kebbell, have backed Trank's claims and said that his original cut was a much darker and smarter movie, before Fox took the shears to it and delivered a more conventional final cut.

It's clear from the film's trailers that several key sequences were cut, while entire characters were re-worked through reshoots (namely Tim Blake Nelson's Dr. Harvey Allen, originally Harvey Elder, aka Mole Man), and Trank's attempts to craft a Cronenberg-esque body horror superhero film were basically stamped out.

B-roll home video footage also revealed that the Fantastic Four's iconic vehicle, the Fantasticar, was originally in the film, though cut for whatever reason.

While the film's critical and commercial failure makes it less likely we'll ever see the original vision released - to say nothing of Fox and Trank's presumably iffy relationship - stranger things have most certainly happened.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.