9 Positive Realisations From Re-Watching Star Wars: The Last Jedi

4. The Significance Of The Millennium Falcon

Star Wars The Last Jedi Trailer Captain Phasma

The Millennium Falcon is still the true icon of the Star Wars franchise in terms of ships. Newer vessels are being introduced with each film, with rebel ships getting updates or replacements and there proving to be more varieties of TIE fighter than there are limited edition KitKats. Amongst all these changes, the Falcon remains constant.

In The Last Jedi in particular, it really gets an opportunity to shine. We have a fantastic moment as Luke Skywalker returns to its familiar halls for the first time in many years, and by the end it seems to be the new rebel base as so little of the Resistance remains.

Most importantly of all, it's an epic moment for an old-school fan to see how it is used to draw away every single TIE fighter during the assault on the base on Crait. Again, as the film's multiple plot points unfold, it's easy to forget or look past this, but what a moment it is as you rewatch the Battle of Crait.

In the opening moments, swarms of TIE fighters begin taking out the ski speeders as if they were nothing at all. You think, "I don't remember there being fighters here - how will this work?" And then the Falcon comes blazing in. It takes some out immediately, and Finn points out, "They hate that ship!" Around the same instant, Kylo demands that they destroy the despised hunk of junk. These lines only serve to once again underline its importance, and it is because of this bias, because of its role in the franchise, that it is able to lure away each and every one of the fighters, making the battle significantly more even. It's a very special moment for the traditionalist fan.


Reader, cinema lover, gamer, TV watcher. Teacher too. Years of caring too much (is that possible?) about Star Wars, Harry Potter, Star Trek, WWE, Stephen King books, Game of Thrones and gaming will influence my writing.