9 Possible Characters Willem Dafoe Will Play In Justice League
5. Metron
Dafoe might not be the first person who pops into your head after hearing the words "time traveling scientist" or "neutral observer," but this would be a good chance for the veteran actor to prove he can restrain some of his wilder instincts to fit into the role.
With it all but a certainty that Justice League will be going head-to-head with Darkseid at some point or another, it could pay off big for Snyder to bring in an impartial character to either act as a moderator between the superheroes and the villains, or to play the monkey wrench in the plans of both sides.
Metron isn't technically a good guy, though he'll align himself with the Justice League so long as it helps fulfill his own insatiable thirst for knowledge. This leaves room for Dafoe to act as the mercurial, selfish third party that disrupts everyone else's plans in order to unravel another mystery of the universe.
Also, we really need his teleportation device, The Boom Tube, to show up in the DCEU at some point as a way for other characters to maneuve between dimensions, so we might as well get that out of the way now.