9 Reasons 2016 Will Kill The Comic Book Movie Boom
6. Movie Studios Are Taking Their Eye Off The Ball
This is the problem with posting a set release schedule for all the world to see (and criticize). Expectations grow exponentially, in part because movie studios just told everyone "Hey, don't worry about your comic book fix. We've got you guys covered for the long haul." But do they? The problem with planning out your meals for the next eight months is that by the time you've finished, it's now dinner time and you've been thinking so much about what you're going to eat in April that there's now no food on the table. Don't like that analogy? Okay, then, let's look at it more practically: it's great to have a five-year plan, but there has to be some flexibility in that plan, or else any minor changes in year two will end up totally screwing up your end goal. And with the way studios are racing through properties and spitting out timelines, it seems entirely possible that they've looked too far ahead to see what's right in front of them.