9 Reasons An X-23 Movie Needs To Happen

4. It Can Setup The X-Force Movie

X 23 X Force

An X-Force movie is in the works and will happen eventually, though there's still a lot up in the air about how exactly it will tie into the other X-Men movies, other than its leader Cable first appearing in Deadpool 2, which will presumably provide some sort of tacit lead-in.

X-23 has been a prominent member of the X-Force in the comics, so it'd be leaving money on the table not to have her join the group for the movie.

X-23's solo film could act as a bridging vessel of sorts, possibly with a post-credits scene where Cable shows up to recruit her. Yes, it begs a million questions about timelines and Cable's time-traveling capabilities in particular, but given the slippery logic of the entire franchise, this really feels like the most sensible way to go.

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Logan X-23
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.