9 Ridiculous Upcoming Cinematic Universes

1. Kaiju Cinematic Universe

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Warner Bros. has already shown a fondness for giant monster movies with Pacific Rim and Godzilla, and they’re looking to kickstart that Kaiju craze audiences don’t know they wanted. So after King Kong gets rebooted with Kong: Skull Island – where the big ape will become mates with Tom Hiddleston – and Godzilla gets his own sequel in 2018, the two will meet for a face-off in 2020 in Godzilla Vs. Kong.

The movie will have to explain how the relatively small Kong will be able to successfully fight the towering Godzilla, but they’ll no doubt have an airtight scientific explanation. If people take to the idea of monsters punching each other the studio will keep the train moving with more sequels, Pacific Rim 2 and other rebooted monster franchises.

So far the response to this announcement has been scorn, but 2014’s Godzilla was a solid update and Skull Island has a quality cast attached. Time will tell if fans warm to the idea, but it doesn’t sound any dumber than a Transformers shared universe, and that’s likely to do just fine.

Which of these planned Cinematic Universes are you most excited about? And which are destined to fail? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.