9 Ridiculous Upcoming Cinematic Universes

2. The X-Men Shared Universe

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20th Century Fox

X-Men have a bit of a cinematic universe going already with the Wolverine spin-offs, but now the prequel saga is coming to a close and Deadpool has made all the money in the world, Fox has major expansion plans.

So after X-Men: Apocalypse and The Wolverine 3 round out their respective trilogies we’ll get Deadpool 2, which will introduce Cable and probably set up the X-Force movie featuring both characters. There’s also Doug Liman’s Gambit with Channing Tatum coming at some point, and the character will no doubt go on to appear in future X-Men movies while spawning a series of his own; and finally, there’s the New Mutants movie from Josh Boone.

If that wasn’t enough there's also a couple of TV shows in development; Hellfire will follow the activities of The Hellfire Club, who were up to no good in X-Men: First Class and Legion will follow a super powerful mutant played by Dan Stevens, who was the son of Professor X in the comic.

There will probably be a lot of changes coming to the main X-Men series itself following Apocalypse, with current cast members leaving and new characters joining, so there's lots to be x-cited about in this universe (sorry).


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.