9 Scariest Moments From Jordan Peele's Us

7. The Tylers' Intruders

Jordan Peele Us Publicity Still
Universal Pictures

Up until about halfway through the movie we are fine and scared knowing that there’s a family of doppelgängers tormenting the family they’re tethered to. That's more than sufficiently scary, but why stop there?

The Wilsons have escaped and are on their way to the Tylers', hence there’s no reason for the audience to be suspicious that we’re now focusing on a new family. That’s until Dahila, Tex, Io, and Nix pop out of the woodwork to stab each of their respective doubles in the neck. Sure, seeing a family slaughtered is pretty horrifying, but after the audience processes what happened they have to realize, “This isn’t an isolated incident.”

Is it just the two families? The families on the lake? Northern California? All of the world? This opened up a world of possibilities and one that the film then continues to find (or dodge) the answers for. The scene is frightening, but also harrowing when thinking about its ramifications.

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Jordan Peele
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