9 Scariest Moments From Jordan Peele's Us

6. The Opening Credits/The Rabbits

Jordan Peele Us Publicity Still
Universal Pictures

The film’s credits begin as we see a very innocent-looking caged rabbit minding its own business in what seems to be an empty classroom. The camera pulls out to reveal that there’s dozens of these rabbits, all various shapes and sizes, inside of their individual crates which are stacked on one another.

To add to the imagery is a score to only amplify the uneasiness. Michael Abels’ (who’s only composing credits are Get Out and Us) song Anthem plays throughout the opening. The shot goes on long enough to be intriguing, overstays its welcome to go from intriguing to alarming, and then still continues to turn from alarming to unequivocally eerie.

Those still confused about their inclusion and the director’s choice to make then creepy can hear it from the man himself as he told Esquire, “Have you ever gotten close to a rabbit? You can tell in their eyes that they have a sociopath. If you put a rabbit brain in a human body, you have Michael Meyers. They have no empathy.”

Fun fact: Zora’s shirt reads thỏ, which translates from Vietnamese to, you guessed it, rabbit.

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Jordan Peele
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