9 Sci-Fi Movie Villains Who Were Actually RIGHT

3. Walter Peck - Ghostbusters

Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes Koba

It's impossible not to love Bill Murray.

The man oozes comedic charisma, and anyone who stands against whatever character he's playing always comes off as the bad guy.

Enter Walter Peck - EPA agent tasked with discovering just how safe the Ghostbusters' containment system is, and whether or not it poses a risk to the public or the environment.

The problem is that Peck is a bit of a smarmy, self-righteous sort of guy, and Venkman and co. really don't take to his sniffing around very kindly.

It's pretty easy to see both sides of this one, but the only side that the 1984 classic really gives us is Venkman's, meaning that Peck seems to be nothing more than a whiny suit intent on ruining the Ghostbusters' fun.

While environmental protection may have seemed to be something petty back in the 80s, watching it back today makes it all too clear that Peck was entirely justified in his concerns, and all he really wanted was an assurance that everyone was safe - but instead he had the existence of his manhood brought into question.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.