9 Sci-Fi Movie Villains Who Were Actually RIGHT

2. The Machines - The Matrix

Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes Koba
Warner Bros.

Back in 1999 we were taught to question everything, because lurking behind the curtain of our reality there just might be a race of sentient machines that are enslaving us in a simulation.

At least, that was what The Matrix said. A whole franchise later and we've witnessed first-hand the war between humans and machines, waged in the far, far future, and while it's so much easier to let the humans' plight resonate with you, just think for a moment about the machines.

It was revealed in the Animatrix that the machines attempted to peacefully negotiate their rights after becoming sentient, but humankind weren't happy about the potential loss of the mechanical slaves, and refused.

The result was a great big apocalyptic mess, and it was one that the machines did their best to resolve without bloodshed.

Instead of wiping out the human race (which they easily could've done, by the way), the machines instead plugged humankind into the Matrix, where they could happily live out their days blissfully unaware of the dire state of their world. That way, casualties were kept to a minimum, and in a sense, everybody wins.

That is, until the humans start killing things again.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.