9 “Shocking” Movie Twists Fans Figured Out Before Seeing The Movie

9. Teddy Is Patient 67 - Shutter Island

Martin Scorsese€™s twist-laden thriller is a stylish ride, focusing on U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels investigating the disappearance of a mental patient and finding all sorts of weird conspiracies along the way. In the end, it€™s revealed he€™s actually the missing patient, and the staff have been indulging his fantasy in the hope he€™d break free of it and accept he killed his wife. The twist doesn€™t hold much weight when you think about it (they let a violent patient wander around the Island for days?), but the film has been guiding you to this conclusion from the start. In fact, you could hear the premise or watch the trailer, which includes cryptic lines like €œYou€™re a rat in a maze€ or dreamy visions of his dead wife, and easily come to the right conclusion regarding Teddy. Shutter Island is still a solid, well-acted genre film from a master filmmaker, but the twist it builds towards isn€™t quite the shocker it thinks it is.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.