9 “Shocking” Movie Twists Fans Figured Out Before Seeing The Movie

6. Ethan Hawke Is The Killer - Taking Lives

If you€™re going to craft a credible whodunit, you need to build a list of characters and red herrings to keep viewers guessing. Taking Lives €“ a forgotten thriller starring Angelina Jolie €“ ignores this advice, presenting two credible options for who the killer might be; crazy Kiefer Sutherland or weedy art dealer Ethan Hawke, who the movie goes out of its way to present as innocent. Guess who the killer is? Sheer laziness is the movie€™s problem, and it seems to think the audience is too dumb to figure it out. Even a look at the trailer would have revealed Hawke to be the true killer, and making him Jolie€™s love interest and all around nice dude does nothing to disguise this. Hawke is fun when he gets to transform into a full on crazy killer, but it€™s too late to save the rest of the movie.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.