9 “Shocking” Movie Twists Fans Figured Out Before Seeing The Movie

5. Miranda Tate Is Talia Al Ghul - The Dark Knight Rises

In a generation that€™s become so savvy to plot spoilers, it must be really hard for an actor involved in a major production to keep its secrets. Throughout countless interviews, they have to play it coy and even, in some cases, outright lie. That€™s what Marion Cotillard did during promotion for The Dark Knight Rises whenever the question of her character came up, where she€™d flat out deny she was playing Talia Al Ghul and claim she was a brand new character, Miranda Tate. Nobody €“ least of all obsessive fans €“ was buying this, especially when set photos of her wearing League Of Shadows robes leaked online. Talia€™s appearance also made too much sense, since the film would tie back into Batman Begins. So it was a little frustrating watching the story unfold and being miles ahead of The World€™s Greatest Detective, who is seemingly the only one surprised when she reveals her true face.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.