9 Superheroes Who Really Should Have Had A Movie By Now

7. Doctor Fate (DC Comics)

When you think of the number of characters with supernatural elements from comic books who have already been given their own movies, you'll realise that there have been a surprisingly high number. However, you probably didn't realise there have already been several from DC Comics. John Constantine, Jonah Hex and Swamp Thing have all had movies made about them in recent times and to think that these happened before a Doctor Fate movie has even really been mentioned is unforgivable. Doctor Fate is DC's flagship sorcerer - the equivalent of Marvel's Doctor Strange (who we'll get to later) - and the go-to guy for teams like the Justice League when there is a mystical threat attempting to take over or subjugate DC Earth. The character has had a live action depiction appear in the Smallville television series, but he was a shadow of his comic book self in terms of his displayed power and a live action movie with a truer portrayal of what the character has long been capable of would go down very well with comic book fans around the world.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.