9 Terrible Franchise Killing Movies

5. Police Academy: Mission To Moscow

Jaws The Revenge.jpg
Warner Bros.

The 80s were a simpler time where a man could rock a mullet and actually pay to see a Steve Guttenberg movie, and not feel shame about either of those things. Times and tastes change, though, and while it was once possible to wring seven movies out of kooky cops who make funny noises and really like firing guns, that idea doesn’t really translate now.

By the time part seven of Police Academy was released in 1994 the series was already a decade old and was looking so very tired. Steve Guttenberg had already jumped ship, and even the reliable gags had been milked dry. So the movie was essentially a last ditch attempt to see if audiences would still come back for more of the exact same.

They didn’t, if the disastrous box-office results are anything to go by. Once the producers realised the movies had run their course they tried a TV spin-off a few years later, which - for good reason - only lasted for one series.

There have been occasional rumours of the series being rebooted over the years, with Key and Peele being mentioned for the leads at one point, but nothing has happened thus far. 


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.