9 Theories That Answer HUGE MCU Mysteries

8. Dario Agger Bought Avengers Tower

Galactus Fantastic Four
Marvel Studios

Back when Tony Stark was deemed to "not play well with others" he operated out of Stark Tower. After the events of the Battle of New York however, this became Avengers Tower, which housed the titular team for a short time.

Piecing together little bits of information we picked up from Age of Ultron and Spider-Man: Homecoming, we know that the Avengers vacated the former Stark Tower for a bigger place upstate, eventually selling the building on to someone else. This buyer however, is yet to be identified. There are theories out there that it was Norman Osborn or the Fantastic Four, but what if it wasn't?

These theories aren't really based on anything story related, but simply exist just because it's an actual possibility now. One theory that makes more sense in the scope of the wider MCU is for the villainous Dario Agger, part time Minotaur and CEO of Roxxon to buy the building from Tony Stark.

The corporation is already established in the MCU, having been referenced in the Iron Man franchise, Agents of SHIELD, Agent Carter, Daredevil, and Cloak and Dagger, and for a multi-million dollar company to acquire a building that runs completely on clean, self-sustaining energy makes more sense than a super powered foursome coming out of nowhere.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.