9 Theories That Answer HUGE MCU Mysteries

7. Crossbones Was Trying To Steal Banner's Blood

Galactus Fantastic Four
Marvel Studios

Captain America: Civil War was one of the biggest movies in the entire MCU, and was essentially an Avengers film with all the characters involved. Following the introduction of the Sokovia Accords after the accident in Lagos, the team are divided and come to blows, fracturing them at exactly the worst moment possible.

With so much to get to in the movie, it seemed to almost gloss over Crossbones' motives, and what exactly he was doing in Nigeria to begin with. He was trying to break into the CDC facility, but what was he after, and who sent him?

What if the target was a vial of Bruce Banner's blood? Surely this would be something that certain people would pay top dollar and go to great lengths to obtain. The theory goes that after Hulk's fight with Hulkbuster, a sample of his blood was collected and taken to the CDC facility in Lagos.

The idea is expanded to say that the one who sent Crossbones in was none other than Thaddeus Ross. Who else has been after Banner more so than Betty Ross' father? Though it doesn't really come up in his last few appearances, there's no reason to think he wasn't still trying to get hold of Banner. This may have been his plan to eventually turn himself into Red Hulk had Crossbones been successful.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.